Whaling is looked up on as something not so nice. Some people get very emotional about it. Japan, one of those countries who stubbornly keeps on hunting these huge animals, has been catching crap from many other countries. I am not a whale lover, and if offered to me I would probably eat whale meat. Quite frankly, I don't see a problem. Well, I take that back. I do see a problem, and this is a very fundamental problem, and that is that I don't believe in killing anything. If killing whales is wrong, then raising and hacking cows and hogs for food is wrong too. Is it ok to slaughter one type of animals but not others? How abundant the population is has nothing to do with it, at least as far as I am concerned. So, the I way look at it is that we the human slaughter just about anything including each other, so why sweat about whales? I am sure they appreciate that, but none of these make any sense to me.
As for the picture, again,m the stupidity of it is really taken to another height here.
Pentax K20D
DA 70 ltd
1/90 @ f/3.5
0 ev
ISO 100
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