First of all, I have to admit to a complete failure here that this is NOT the worst picture that I have ever taken. I strive daily so that the next picture that I take is worse than the one before. Certainly did not happen here.
So back to color rendition. The truth is that I am not sure what it is. People in the know love to talk about it in the photography forums that I frequent. Judging from their jargons and run arounds, I think what it means is the "ability" of a source(?) or a medium (?) to reproduce the colors that it is perceiving.
Having said that, I am not sure if it is an accuracy issue, or a precision issue, as they are clearly two different points here. Another difficulty that I have with the concept is that there seems to be a lack of gold standard that the comparison needs to be made to. May be there is such a thing, probably based on wavelength and frequency and temperature of the light source and the accuracy of the instruments that measure such things. But if the standard is laid out by the machine and if the human eyes may not be able to tell the subtle differences that the machine can only pick up, then the concept itself is completely nonsense and useless, especially in the context of photography aesthetics, because photos are observed by people, not by the instruments (at least at the time of this publication).
From the mechanical engineering point of view (if I may put it that way), there are probably two things to consider; optics and sensors. I am sure that these are the areas of technology where engineers have very little control in regards to the specifics of the outcome.
And, in the end it all comes down to a matter of preferences. Preferences of so called experts are better regarded than that of a dickhead like me. But I think we all should be careful not to put too much emphasis on the opinions of experts in things like this. What taste good to them may not taste good for you.
The picture here was taken by K20D with FA 31 limited. I am very suspicious of this particular combo because the colors don't look the way I remember them. In fact, there are more shades of green on this picture than I can possibly remember. I guarantee, the statue did not look this good....
Pentax K20D
FA 31 mm ltd
1/400 @ f/5.6
0 ev
ISO 100
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