Pentax announced today their new digital medium format (larger sensor than APS-C) camera called 645D.
Naturally, being the worst photographer, I am very afraid of an equipment like this. What if something like this makes my pictures look better? OMG!!! On the other hand, in the most incapable hands like mine I am sure I can shoot worst pictures with the best equipment in the whole world.
This thing retails about $9,400. Plus tax and 10G. 18 months from now, perhaps down to about $7,500, perhaps $5,000 with a 55f/2.8 used. It is a very very expensive toy. Professional photographers, who I think are a dying breed, can easily justify plucking down 10G for that. Hasselblad and Mamiya (other larger format cameras), and I almost forgot Leica with their S2 can all cost 2~3 times that. Pentax medium format cameras were so very much loved by pros, especially in fashion industry that there are still lots of them I am sure who still use medium format film set ups. As with many Pentax cameras, many of the 645 lenses they have manufactured in the past are compatible with 645D. Lenses are really the strong point of this company, so this move makes sense if that segment of the market is big enough. I am not sure if horrible photographers like myself with disposable income can justify buying something like this. This would be the opportunity my wife has been looking for, to put the nail on the coffin, to finish me off. So I have to be very careful what I wish for here. I still want it though. My guess is that there are some kinks that they need to work out here. My guess would be the speed of the image down load to your computer. If you have, say, 100 pictures and and want to download, you better start the process before you go away for your vacation so that when get back, hopefully pictures are all down loaded. That would prevent you from taking the monster to your vacation . . . . . I guess you cannot have it both ways. I bet you, however, that the images are fantastic. Oh well.
Or I wonder if Pentax would dare enough to sponsor me with a camera like this to prove their point? Doubt it.
How about it, Ned?
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