Framing is probably more than half of the game in photography. It comes so easy to some, yet, to others no matter how much you read about it and try to get yourself fascinated with it, you just don't get it. Golden rule of thirds has been in practice for supposedly thousands of years. No wonder there are so many pictures that look alike.
Pentax just came out with a silver version of K-7, a limited edition at that, and in the viewfinder you will find a grid that conveniently spit up your field of vision in thirds both vertically and horizontally. I am not sure how much benefit there is for serious photographers. Remember, like I said, if you don't have it, no matter what viewfinder you use, or rules you use, you can make your picture just so awful that you will never ever want to take another picture again, as you see here.
The picture here demonstrates nothing about the golden rule of thirds. I am not even sure what that is. Something about dividing the field of view in certain ways (probably by thirds). There is a part of me that want to google this thing, but at the same time I am afraid to find out. Something tells me that I would take much worse picture not knowing anything about it.
Pentax K-7
DA 70mm ltd
1/80 @ f/2.4
0 ev
ISO 200
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