These are examples of what you should not do if you have to have everything tack sharp. A long big tele, manual focusing, single shot mode, and no shake reduction. Just can't get any harder than that. There are no reasons why one ought to make it that hard himself. But I do.
Diligent practicing with manual focus will certainly improve sharpness, but it is becoming a lost art form; I hear most shooters these days shoot with auto focusing. Nothing wrong with that though. Not all of us have 20/20 eye sights. All of us, as we get older, do not see as sharp as we once did.
I for one, partly because I am resigned with the fact that I am a horrible photographer, don't mind not so sharp pictures such as these. At least in series, these pictures do what I want them to do; that is to represent motion. A photograph is 2 dimensional. But with a bit of creativity, you can add more dimensions to it.
I know many people disagree with this concept. I can see that, by the way. But, I need to look further, deeper, else where. I don't want to be constrained. I want to be free, just like a kid.
Pentax K-10D
SMC-P Takumar 300/4
1/125 ~ 1/250 @ f/5.6
- 0.3 ev
ISO 400
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