Creativity is the original, fresh, and external expression of the imagination of the maker by using the medium to convey an idea, message or thought.
This one is really dumb. It is simply embarrassing to even be reading it. It makes me want to dig a hole and hide it and put dirt over it.
I am not sure what creativity is. I am not sure if anybody really know. I have tried to look it up before a plenty of times. With the invention of internet and so on, finding something so simple and basic as that ought to be very simple. But no, it has not been that simple. I have not had one satisfactory explanation or description or definition of creativity.
The weird thing about creativity is that no matter what it is, its effectiveness of it in photography is limited by the degree of creativity a beholder happen to possess. It doesn't matter even if the photographer had more creativity than potatoes in Ireland, so as long as all of those potatoes cannot be entirely consumed. The work can never live up to its true quality.
When someone says, "wow, that is so creative," I am not so sure what the hell they mean by that. Does that mean that they are admitting to their own failure in that they would never have thought of taking picture like that. So, does that mean that if you took a picture of something in a way that nobody have seen before, then is that creativity?
A very attempt to evaluate or grade creativity exposes one's own stupidity. You have got to be kidding me!! There is a very good chance that there is no such a thing in this very world as "creativity." This may have been a mere concept that was pulled out of an ass by a very wordy, ineffective thinker with way too much free time in his or her hands. As you can see by the example set by religions, people often buy into a concept such as this because someone once sounded very convincing.
Here I have a picture with zero creativity. I had no message to convey. I just took it. I am certain that there will be many people who would love this picture, especially her grandparents who live across the street. To them at least the photo works because she is so beautiful. No creativity needed whatsoever.
Pentax K-7
D FA 100 mm Macro WR
1/800 @ f/8
0 ev
ISO 200
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