Wednesday, April 28, 2010
12 steps to the worst photograph ever - part 9 - Subject matter

Sunday, April 25, 2010
12 steps to the worst photograph ever - part 8 - Composition

12 steps to the worst photograph ever - part 7 - Center of Interest

Friday, April 23, 2010
12 steps to the worst photograph ever - part 6 - Print presentation

Tuesday, April 20, 2010
12 steps to the worst photograph ever - part 5 - Style

Sunday, April 18, 2010
12 steps to the worst photograph ever - part 4 - Lighting

Saturday, April 17, 2010

12 steps to the worst photograph ever - part 3 - Technical excellence

Wednesday, April 14, 2010
12 steps to the worst photograph ever - part 2 - Creativity

12 steps to the worst photograph ever - part 1 - IMPACT

Tuesday, April 13, 2010
The Photographic Exhibitions Committee (PEC) of PPA uses the 12 elements below as the “gold standard” to define a merit image. PEC trains judges to be mindful of these elements when judging images to the PPA merit level and to be placed in the International Print Exhibit at Imaging USA, the annual convention. The use of these 12 elements connects the modern practice of photography and its photographers to the historical practice of photography begun nearly two centuries ago.
Gold standard, my ass. I don't think they should speak on behalf of photographers from 200 years ago. I think they will be pissed.
Twelve elements have been defined as necessary for the success of an art piece or image. Any image, art piece, or photograph will reveal some measure of all twelve elements, while a visually superior example will reveal obvious consideration of each one
Hard to believe that there are exactly twelve, not eleven, not even thirteen. This is very similar to AA's 12 step program. Very scary in my opinion.
The Twelve elements listed below are in accordance to their importance.
Are you sure about that??? This sounds even more stupid than I typically do.
Impact is the sense one gets upon viewing an image for the first time. Compelling images evoke laughter, sadness, anger, pride, wonder or another intense emotion. There can be impact in any of these twelve elements.
Creativity is the original, fresh, and external expression of the imagination of the maker by using the medium to convey an idea, message or thought.
Technical excellence is the print quality of the image itself as it is presented for viewing. Retouching, manipulation, sharpness, exposure, printing, mounting, and correct color are some items that speak to the qualities of the physical print.
Composition is important to the design of an image, bringing all of the visual elements together in concert to express the purpose of the image. Proper composition holds the viewer in the image and prompts the viewer to look where the creator intends. Effective composition can be pleasing or disturbing, depending on the intent of the image maker.
Lighting—the use and control of light—refers to how dimension, shape and roundness are defined in an image. Whether the light applied to an image is manmade or natural, proper use of it should enhance an image.
Style is defined in a number of ways as it applies to a creative image. It might be defined by a specific genre or simply be recognizable as the characteristics of how a specific artist applies light to a subject. It can impact an image in a positive manner when the subject matter and the style are appropriate for each other, or it can have a negative effect when they are at odds.
Print Presentation affects an image by giving it a finished look. The mats and borders used should support and enhance the image, not distract from it.
Center of Interest is the point or points on the image where the maker wants the viewer to stop as they view the image. There can be primary and secondary centers of interest. Occasionally there will be no specific center of interest, when the entire scene collectively serves as the center of interest.
Subject Matter should always be appropriate to the story being told in an image.
Color Balance supplies harmony to an image. An image in which the tones work together, effectively supporting the image, can enhance its emotional appeal. Color balance is not always harmonious and can be used to evoke diverse feelings for effect.
Technique is the approach used to create the image. Printing, lighting, posing, capture, presentation media, and more are part of the technique applied to an image.
Story Telling refers to the image’s ability to evoke imagination. One beautiful thing about art is that each viewer might collect his own message or read her own story in an image.
The depth of stupidity here is like no others that I have even seen. It takes a hugely brainless state of mind to come up with crap like these. The level of consistency is truly unbelievable. It is genuine crap from beginning to the end. There is definitely something to be learned from all this crap. Crap crap crap. Just crap everywhere. Oh crap.
In the following days I am going to address each of the 12 craps listed down above to demonstrate how crappy they really are. Crap.
Worst Mae Bokeh

Monday, April 12, 2010
Worst at-the-park picture

Sunday, April 11, 2010
Politics and photography

Saturday, April 10, 2010
Macro lens as telephoto - a bad idea

Thursday, April 8, 2010
Worst lighting job

Wednesday, April 7, 2010
How to worsen your macro photo; lesson 1

Worst travel photography

Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Worst botanical photography

Sunday, April 4, 2010
Pentax Forum

Thursday, April 1, 2010
Auto focusing (AF)